what is the Gyrotonic® Method?

A unique exercise modality created by Juliu Horvath, with roots based on the principles of yoga, swimming tai chi, and dance. We begin sessions with mobilizing the spine and engaging the core. The over-arching goal of this work is to allow movement to occur without restrictions.
This is possible because unlike traditional linear exercise equipment and movement, the specialized Gyrotonic® equipment allows for rhythmic, spiral and circular motion. The outcome is a more coordinated strength versus isolated strength in the muscles. This leads to the most efficient use of the entire body. The uses can vary from therapeutic application to athletic conditioning.
The founder and creator of The Gyrotonic Expansion system® is Juliu Horvath. During his career as a professional ballet dancer he sustained a career ending injury. Due to this injury he began a study of yoga which in turn led him to further study energetic experiences for 6 years and ultimately lead to the development of Gyrokinesis® and then Gyrotonic®.
The Gyrotonic Expansion System® is comprised of two complimentary exercise methods, Gyrotonic® and Gyrokinesis®. Gyrotonic® exercise is done on specialized equipment. Gyrokinesis® exercise is done standing, seated, or on a mat on the floor.
Gyrotonic® Method can be effective in improving quality of life for:
  • Arthritis
  • Back Pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Obesity
  • Chronic Pain
  • Depression
  • Balance Issues
  • Post Stroke Difficulties
  • Athletes in need of Cross Training
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